Monday, January 30, 2012

Dog Toy

So I got a sewing machine for Christmas so that I can have my own and not have to wait to use someone else's. So I figured I would make my dog a toy. I mean what better way to practice and not have someone care if it is messed up. I went to Joanne Fabrics and bought some cute brown fleece material with white paws on it for the toy.
I also decided I didn't want to spend hours online looking for the perfect experiment so I just bought a pattern for like $3.
It is actually supposed to be a stuffed hippo for a child but oh well just add a squeaker and instant dog toy.

So I put the pattern over my material and pinned each piece before cutting to make sure I didn't cut unevenly.
Once all the pieces were cut out my project started to actually feel real.
Here is a picture of just the body all sewn together.
And then here is the completed project.
I am very pleased with it and so is Major.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wedding Updates!

So I don't have many things to update on since I have been a tad bit lazy recently BUT I have a few.

-Save the Dates have been printed and sent out! Yay! Oh and I'll post on that in a bit.

- Wedding Dress: I got the call about mid December that my dress arrived! I tried it on for my first fitting in the beginning of January and it fit perfectly just needs to be shortened.

- Wedding Shoes: I ordered my shoes finally. I decided to go with the Nina Electra in China Blue. I really hope this color works since I couldn't see them in person.

Card Box: I haven't started on this yet but now that I moved I will get my materials. I didn't want to drag them around from state to state. In my previous post I showed the fabric I originally wanted to use which still isn't out of the question but I recently fell in love with some vintage fabric prints that I may just have to use instead.