Monday, May 16, 2011

The start of my DIY to do list

So to help save on costs for the wedding I am planning on making as much as I can without going crazy and turning into a bridezilla. So here is what I have so far on my to do list:

- Card Box: I want to make a photo frame card box and I found a great tutorial on the Road to the Aisle blog.
(Note: I do not remember where I got this picture from. If it is yours please let me know so I can credit you)
- Save the Dates: I want to take an engagement photo that we will have taken in August and create cute save the dates to send out to everyone invited.
- Invitations: I want to order my paper from Anchor Paper and create my own pocketfolds. I wasn't going to do this but after pricing some online, normal invitations plus all the inserts was going to run me anywhere from $600-$800 and I am not going to pay that
- String Chandeliers - I saw these and I fell in love with them and I think they would look perfect hanging at our reception. I found a tutorial on the Ruffled blog and they seem pretty simple to make.
(Credit: Ruffled Blog)

As for now that is all I have on my list. What types of projects did you plan on doing? What projects did you actually complete?

Wedding Planning

So while we were in Charleston, we visited a few locations for our wedding reception. I took pictures at each location so I would be able to look back at them and compare later on. So our first stop was to The Charleston National Golf Club. It was a very pretty location but it was a little far up from where we were wanting and it just wasn't what we were envisioning for the reception.
Outside of the Charleston National Golf Club, this is where guests would enter
This is where the reception would be held.

Our next stop was at two locations owned by the same company, Lighthouse on the Creek and also Cottage on the Creek. First up was Lighthouse, it was gorgeous and by far my favorite of the two. I loved the fact that it felt more relaxed and that it was on the water.
We forgot to take a picture while we were standing out front so we had to get a quick drive by picture.
This is where either dancing or the tables would be located.
The outside area with the bar
More space for either tables or dancing

The last stop for the day was Cottage on the Creek. It was pretty and had an amazing outdoor area but the inside just wasn't what I was really looking for. 
The best picture of the outside I could get
Downstairs area could be used for dancing or tables
Indoor balcony area upstairs overlooking Shem Creek
Outdoor deck where tables could be placed

So at the end of the day we went home and started looking back through all the pictures we had taken and had pretty much decided on Lighthouse on the Creek as our location. The next day we heard back from another location, the Creek Club at I'On
:Looking at the back of the building from the water
 One of the side porches with a fireplace, also the bar is at the end of the porch
The other porch with rocking chairs
View of part of the inside

So we left knowing that this is where we definitely wanted to hold our reception and decided we would call back the next day and sign the contract. We were then told someone had already placed a temporary hold on the place and we would have to wait until after the weekend to see if they still wanted it.We were all pretty devestated and hated thinking we had to start looking for other locations. 

What part of wedding planning has gotten you stressed out?

On the set of Army Wives!!!

Well kind of. So during the first few days of being in Charleston we went looking around for the houses from Army Wives. Thanks to a blog I stumbled across called He Wears Combat Boots, I Wear Stilettos I was able to find most of the locations I was looking for. So here are my pictures from my little sight seeing adventure.

This was the first house we stumbled upon and it is Joan and Roland's house. It was interesting because when you looked around it was the only house that had bright green grass.
 Here I am in front of Frank and Denise's house
View of Frank and Denise's house from the street
The Holden house, I wish I could have gotten a better picture and actually got to go look around but there was a security guard sitting in a car. I'm guessing because there was a gospel sing festival thing going on since it was Easter weekend and they didn't want people messing with anything.
The pergola in front of the Holden house
The Administration building
An up close view of the stars on General Holden's parking spot at the Administration building.
 This picture kind of speaks for itself but it's the HUMP BAR!! I was so excited to find this.

Of course, I had to get a picture in front of it.

That ended my tour of the locations we could find of Army Wives, and thanks to the wonderful blog I mentioned above I was able to find them. The funny thing is last August when we were on vacation in Charleston we walked around in the River Front Park but never drove up into the houses and somehow I missed the Hump Bar on the drive through.

But if anyone needs help finding these places the houses are located in the housing subdivision right near River Front Park in North Charleston. I believe one of the street's is called Navy Way or something to that effect. But the easiest way that I found the hump bar was driving from downtown Charleston. We drove straight up Meeting St. towards North Charleston and it was on the left side of the road. I tried going the opposite way and totally somehow never found it. But I hope this helps someone!

Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm Baaack!

I bet you thought I fell off this whole blogging thing like I normally do, didn't you? Well I just went on vacation and sorta forgot to post at all while I was there. But oh well I guess I will just make up for it all now.

So my fiance, mother, and I went to Charleston, SC for a vacation/wedding planning trip over my spring break. We had meeting scheduled pretty much every day but Friday, so it was more business that relaxation which kinda sucked. But, we visited 4 locations for receptions, and 1 photographer. We were supposed to visit 2 photographers, but after meeting with the first we realized we wanted her and didn't even want to see the other.

So we got both of those booked (I will have seperarte posts for those) now I just need to get other things booked or at least narrow the vendors down. 

Do you ever have crazy weeks where you feel like all you do is run? What do you do to keep yourself sane?