Monday, March 18, 2013

Cake Topper!

Ok so I have posted this picture of my cake topper previously but I thought it needed to have a post of its own. I decided I wanted to have a different style of cake topper than the ones you see in stores of the typical bride and groom or rings. So I headed over to Etsy and started a quick search. I came across this shop called Cherry Red Toppers and saw they had the cutest cake toppers handmade specifically to look like the bride and groom and our dog!! So of course I just had to have it. So here is the photo I took after I received it side by side with my dog.
And if anyone is interested in seeing the pictures the seller took before she shipped it to me you can view them here. I also have some pictures my photographer took of the cake topper on the cake but it will have to be added at a later time because I don't feel like fetching my wedding pictures right now. So those will be added shortly and I will just update this post with them.

Flower Girl Pomander Ball

Sorry that I haven't been posting for almost a year! I've been busy with the wedding, honeymoon, moving, and starting a new job but I am back and I promise so many updates to post and of course pictures! Oh and I'm starting another blog for beauty and candles and just product reviews so once I do that I will post the link to it. But for now here is my flower girl pomander ball.

So I wanted something that would be easy for my flower girl to carry down the aisle and since she was only 2 I figured this ball with a ribbon to hold onto would be the perfect idea.

I went to Michael's and purchased a small round floral Styrofoam ball, hot glue sticks, multiple fake flowers, and some cute ribbon to match my colors. After I got home I pulled all the flowers off the stems and separated them out so it looked like this.
I then just started taking the flowers and randomly placing them on the Styrofoam and adding a little bit of hot glue behind them just to help them stay a little bit better. Here is how it looked in the beginning.
Once all the flowers were added it was time to add the ribbon so that the flower girl would have something to hold on to. This was the hardest part of trying to get it to stay and to be honest I completely forget how we ended up getting it to stay! Oops sorry guys. But here is another picture of the final product.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Projects Coming Soon!

I've been so behind on my blogging recently. My wedding is this Sunday! eek. Here are some sneek peeks of what I have been working on and what I still have to do.

Card Box is finished! I just need to add pictures. I will post instructions on how I did it later on :)

Fans are almost finished. I have the handles wrapped and ready to go I just am still waiting for the programs to get here so I can attach them as well.

Cake topper! I didn't make this however it's super cute and I had to share.

Invitations are in and I will show you the finished product shortly :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I made a chalkboard!

So I'm addicted to pinterest and I found this super cute idea with a chalkboard for bridal portraits. So of course I decided I needed to make one and use it as a prop. 

So off to Walmart I went in search of a picture frame and chalkboard paint. I found a cute frame for $5 but no paint. I searched all over and finally found some at Home Depot. yay. 

(I wish I had pictures of this but I was in such a rush to finish since my pictures were the next day)

First I sanded the picture frame down since it was black and gold and I wanted it to be all white. Then I spray painted the frame and set it aside to dry. While it was drying I took the glass from the frame and wiped it clean to make sure there wasn't anything on it. I then applied a coat of the chalkboard paint and let it dry. I applied two more coats and then let it all dry. After that was finished I took the side of a piece of chalked and ran it across the whole area. Then erase and put the glass (now chalkboard) back into the frame.

Here is the finished product:

As far as how my pictures turned out. It turned out great! But you have to wait until after the wedding to see :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Dog Toy

So I got a sewing machine for Christmas so that I can have my own and not have to wait to use someone else's. So I figured I would make my dog a toy. I mean what better way to practice and not have someone care if it is messed up. I went to Joanne Fabrics and bought some cute brown fleece material with white paws on it for the toy.
I also decided I didn't want to spend hours online looking for the perfect experiment so I just bought a pattern for like $3.
It is actually supposed to be a stuffed hippo for a child but oh well just add a squeaker and instant dog toy.

So I put the pattern over my material and pinned each piece before cutting to make sure I didn't cut unevenly.
Once all the pieces were cut out my project started to actually feel real.
Here is a picture of just the body all sewn together.
And then here is the completed project.
I am very pleased with it and so is Major.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wedding Updates!

So I don't have many things to update on since I have been a tad bit lazy recently BUT I have a few.

-Save the Dates have been printed and sent out! Yay! Oh and I'll post on that in a bit.

- Wedding Dress: I got the call about mid December that my dress arrived! I tried it on for my first fitting in the beginning of January and it fit perfectly just needs to be shortened.

- Wedding Shoes: I ordered my shoes finally. I decided to go with the Nina Electra in China Blue. I really hope this color works since I couldn't see them in person.

Card Box: I haven't started on this yet but now that I moved I will get my materials. I didn't want to drag them around from state to state. In my previous post I showed the fabric I originally wanted to use which still isn't out of the question but I recently fell in love with some vintage fabric prints that I may just have to use instead.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Card Box Ideas

So as I blogged before I wanted to make a cute card box made out of picture frames.
I found some fabric while on vacation this August that I loved and think would look perfect for the top.
I hope that I can either be able to purchase this or find some other like it.